Check Your Transaction Status
Enter Application ID
Meaning of Transaction Status
  • Aborted

    Transaction is cancelled by the User

  • Auto-Cancelled

    Transaction has not confirmed within 12 days hence auto cancelled by system

  • Auto- Reversed

    Two identical transactions for same order number, both were successful at bank's end but we got response for only one of them, then next day during reconciliation we mark one of the transaction as auto reversed

  • Awaited

    Transaction is processed frombilling shipping page but no response is received

  • Cancelled

    Transaction is cancelled by merchant

  • Invalid

    Transaction sent to CCAvenue with Invalid parameters, hence could not be processed further

  • Fraud

    we update this during recon, the amount is different at bank’s end and at CCAvenue due to tampering

  • Initiated

    Transaction just arrived on billing shipping page and not processed further

  • Refunded

    Transaction is refunded.

  • Shipped

    Transaction is confirmed

  • Systemrefund

    Refunded by CCAvenue for various findings of reversals by CCAvenue

  • Unsuccessful

    Transaction is not successful